Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Got nothing, pretty much.

I had a dream last night that the job I interviewed for all the sudden had a train station right across the street from where it is. It was a great dream, and I believed it for a second when I woke up, then hopes were dashed as I rolled over and smacked my head on the gaint book I fell asleep with, and remembered that nothing's the way you want it all the time.

A good thing to know (and cringe-provoking thing to know, but whatever): if my main mode of transportation for work and seeing Brian is my car, I will need a new one, as well as an adjusted attitude and skills regarding snow driving. Considering a three minute car ride in the snow can put me out of sorts for the day, there isn't a chance in h-e double hockey sticks that I'll survive an extended, winterized, hour-long commute everyday. Not one tiny chance.

Well that's enough business for today.

I ate Mexican food for dinner and it was fabulous.
All I want for tonight is for one of my YouTube heroes to post the eleventh episode of America's Next Top Model before I get home. I don't even want candy or Chinese take out, which has not been true for the past three nights.
It is three minutes later and maybe I do want candy. Hmm.

Peace out, lots on my mind. Whatever, beeotch.

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