Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Got nothing, pretty much.

I had a dream last night that the job I interviewed for all the sudden had a train station right across the street from where it is. It was a great dream, and I believed it for a second when I woke up, then hopes were dashed as I rolled over and smacked my head on the gaint book I fell asleep with, and remembered that nothing's the way you want it all the time.

A good thing to know (and cringe-provoking thing to know, but whatever): if my main mode of transportation for work and seeing Brian is my car, I will need a new one, as well as an adjusted attitude and skills regarding snow driving. Considering a three minute car ride in the snow can put me out of sorts for the day, there isn't a chance in h-e double hockey sticks that I'll survive an extended, winterized, hour-long commute everyday. Not one tiny chance.

Well that's enough business for today.

I ate Mexican food for dinner and it was fabulous.
All I want for tonight is for one of my YouTube heroes to post the eleventh episode of America's Next Top Model before I get home. I don't even want candy or Chinese take out, which has not been true for the past three nights.
It is three minutes later and maybe I do want candy. Hmm.

Peace out, lots on my mind. Whatever, beeotch.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

I've been wearing stick-on earrings all day, suckas

Not only that, but I ate a pizza lunchable for dinner. It had two pizzas and one "TREATza" because there was chocolate spready stuff and candy things for one of the..."crusts." It was amazing. I had to walk past the clerk with a crush on me three times to find the lunchables, but it was worth it.

-Closed out my Arizona Chase Account
-Bought a dress for graduation
-Stamped and addressed formal graduation announcements
--and that's all. I'll be compiling a list of things that are moving me toward completion with student life. So far my list is extremely underwhelming, and missing some key elements like "job," "car," and "apartment."

How real are whims? I mean, you're never supposed to act on a whim. But what distinguishes a whim from a gut feeling, besides longevity, and how long is that, officially? Why do we have whims if they don't serve some import to our instincts? Do they exist specifically so that we can learn to resist them in lieu of stronger leanings?
Just wondering.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Summer of Love-and work-but mostly Love

I want candy so much that I just ate eleven mints in a row before realizing that's a waste of resources and not actually eating candy.

About this summer of love though, I really do want to pull it off this year. I want to be active, out-and-about, trying new things, looking hot, and smiling all the time--generally being in love and making fantastic memories. Or just memories that 1) I wouldn't make if I decided to be lazy that day and 2) I will glamourize when I think about them later so they'll seem fantastic.

I think the Summer of Love takes some simple dedication to:
--making something of each Saturday--sunny? good, we're going downtown.
--limiting naps to times when I'm tired. Or napping on the beach.
--turning off daytime tv when there's no baseball
--taking pictures of things besides my friends sitting in bars
--forming actual plans for all the good ideas there are

All of this, of course, revolves around my full-time job I'm totally going to have. Which is fine though. The sun's out like, all night and I have two whole days a week for whatever I want ever. It'll totally happen this year, right?

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Being cold all the time: Preventable?

Okay, obviously I can put on a heavier coat. I mean, is there anyway to avoid that instant cold of the AC or cool evening breeze from the window besides putting on a sweater that's so last season (winter) and covering up my planned-to-wow summer ensembles?
Methods to try:
1. Eat a better diet (gets thyroid and circulation to function properly? Read it somewhere.
2. Shower every day. Unclogs pores to allow to breathe, absorb heat (and cold as well, presumably. I heard this one, didn't even read it, so who knows).

Things that are over:
March Madness, fine
Winter (hopefully; don't lie and say that sometimes it snows in the spring, that's still winter)
My desire to wear hot pink ever again--that girl looked 13 because she was
The time that I'm allowed to not know what I'm doing after graduation

Things that are almost over and make me really really uncomfortable:
My on-campus employment, need real job (sounds..not as convenient)
My advertising class, so much work to do
My apartment lease
Being a dependent
The acceptability that I drive the car I do

Exciting things that are starting that I'm not as excited about because of the previous list:
Summer dresses
Walking around Brian's in a summer dress in the summer
Baseball (=summer)
Summer weekend trip plans
Summer some more

I'm a little past the point of really enjoying myself this semester--real life is too close now. Now that Spring Break! (Flash) is over the only thing to look forward to is...well, that real life I was speaking about. Not too excited.
But it'll be fine, right? Totally right.