Sunday, March 22, 2009

Sweet Summertime

Almost. I'll take springtime though. Today was just gorgeous.
Today brought Arizona to the Sweet Sixteen. Bethany, Brian, and I sported our AZ hoodies for the occasion, and enjoyed perfectly grilled hamburgers, pineapple, strawberries, salad, and roasted potatoes in them. I would've had a great visual to illustrate, with Brian standing over the tiny tiny grill, PBR in hand, but the camera was upstairs, far away.
Kicking off summer was great though, and delicious. Cannot wait for the real thing.

Friday, March 20, 2009

Life Lessons and Attitudes on a Friday

This morning I am in a great mood. That is the attitude part of the post.

I learned a lesson yesterday morning. It had to do with selfishness and pettiness, or, the purging of these close aquaintances of mine. Read on:

This weekend I looked at plane tickets to go to Tucson for my June bridal shower (to quote Anna, "Who's it for?"/ "Anna. It's mine! My bridal shower! I'm getting married!"). I found a great price on a great flight, cleared it with the bosses, and...didn't act on it for three days. Tuesday night I looked, and the hiked price gleamed at me with squinty eyes, har-har-harring...
I was insta-grump, total victim, whiiining and b*tching. My poor fiance and sister tried to help and be logical, but Sarawitch would have NONE OF THAT!
Thursday morning rolls around and dearheart Alli forwards me Southwest's Huge Summer Sale ad, I look, my heart, it Leaps, and behold, my favorite flight is the rock-bottom price of $99, my freshman year regular fare. I teared up a bit.
I mean really, lesson learned. It's a flight, not a roof over my head or food for the week. It's faith that what happens is supposed to, and is a gift. In no way did I lift this insignificant issue up in prayer, or blame myself and concentrate on being smarter next time. I feel like God said, "There. NOW will you trust me?"

So, enough whining. More praying. More consideration. More grace and less grump.