Friday, August 27, 2010

Neglected to rinse the spearmint tea out my travel mug before filling it with dark roast this morning. Interesting.

I forgot my ipod today, which is a bummer because it's Friday, which is happy, and because Fridays (especially summer ones) are eerie around the office. When it hits 2:30 and you can't hear a human on the whole floor, it's nice to have Kelly Clarkson or Ira Glass to hang out with. Especially when all of the sudden you do hear a human on the floor and automatically assume it's a file burglar who will be forced to kill you when he sees you've wrecked his dastardly plan. It's also a bummer because I just made a playlist called "Rockin' Jams" (I'm awesome) while I was sort of sleeping last night, and I was pretty excited to find out what was on it this morning. (If you're my husband, don't feel bad--it really wasn't worth turning the car around.)

I spent the commute looking at the materialism around me. The different levels and the pressure to conform is something that I'll never be immune to on the train or walking the sidewalks of the loop. The fancy bags and shoes I sit next to seem to leer at my cool cross-trainers and disintegrating clearance rack tote from five years ago. Thing is, if I had the money I wouldn't buy her bag anyway. I'd put it in my savings account. I could blame it on the judging eyes behind those giant sunglasses, but in the end I know it starts with me--I need to stop caring about what she thinks of me. I'm sure she doesn't care that I look like a nerd. It makes her look better anyway.

Want what you have. This also means not being jealous of the nurses I see who get to wear scrubs/pajamas to work.

Happy sunny Friday! The last one before The Last One...when Labor Day closes the door on this summer deal and I man-up, throw on a hoodie with a team, start making football snacks, find a bonfire to stand around, and settle into the routine of the next two seasons.