Thursday, December 31, 2009

New Year, New Life

Welcome to 2010!

I haven't thought about this new year at all. 2009 was a very consuming year for most of us, I think. The dreaming, looking to the future, the moving forward, on and up, was forgotten a bit. Each month of this year took concentration and determination, and I feel like my thoughts are still screwed into that shape of a concerned forehead and squinting eyes.

I would never deny I've certainly had an easier time than very many this year--I've celebrated life-changing joys (marriage is just wonderful, full time work is almost as good) and had almost nothing to complain about (it turns out). Still, I'm ready to relax my mind eye's furrowed brow.

For 2010, I want to build. Fuller, taller, deeper, longer. To sense more, to discern, to learn, to execute new decisions, to abundantly augment our experience and heighten our impact. After all the consternation of 2009 and the robotic focus it took to grind it out, I'm ready to apply myself in the whole of our own epoch with vitality.

This will take focus and concentration, to be sure, but of a much more fulfilling variety. Welcome 2010!

A Couplet of Office Free Verse

Casual Week at the office.

Jeans at work are marvelous, but
these people's jeans are nicer than my business-professional wardrobe. Chose between pairs with hole-in-knee, hole-in-rear, and fly-that's-broken-and-is-held-together-with-visible-safety-pin. Bingo!

The lesser of two evils.

Shuffle into the office kitchen, hopes
Alas, no tasty morsels left for scavengers. Move on
to the coffee machine. Office coffee or instant coffee?
A great dilemma.