Wednesday, February 27, 2008

This cheeseburger is delicious

I really couldn't ask for anything more from it. It is one hundred percent satisfying. I am eating it at a rate that is I think slightly socially unacceptable, especially since my place of consumption is this quiet computer lab filled with diligent art students.
During that last bite, I thought about my cheeseburger, nature can be such a delicious wonder before I realized that cheeseburgers aren't really part of nature. I lied about the art students, I was alone in here, but I put that because I thought it would be less appropriate to devour a cheeseburger in a full lab than an empty one. I think empty is funnier though, so picture me: here in this deserted lab, typing quietly, putting this cheeseburger DOWN. It is very poetic.

I just interacted with a girl wearing a miniskirt. Checking weather...16 degrees. That's pretty intense.

I think I'll start making life decisions after spring break. Like applying for a job, to work for a living. Sounds boring, I know, but it seems to be the trend (or one of two, and compiling more student loans sounds...unwise) so I'm going with it. I want an office job with a social aspect, an organizational and supportive position with daily work and ongoing projects. I want to learn about my office's department, know everything it does and will ever deal with, and eventually rule the thing. Simple. Oh, except I want there to be stilettos.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

I am looking through an Urban Outfitters Catalogue

That is a type of direct response advertising, which works to obtain a response purchase, well, directly.
My direct response is first disappointment that I'll never be this cool chic chick. My secondary response is consolation that people don't really look this cool-chic all the time. Whatever. No direct purchase today.
Also, high-waisted shorts are horrible.

I am almost 22, and I want to dress chic-er and cool-er and old-er in a chic and cool way, but it's expensive and seems like a waste when the effort I put in equals skipping showers every other day and throwing on whatever jeans smell the cleanest.

I just found a Pop Tarts tattoo in my purse, and I bet no one else has that right now.