Wednesday, July 23, 2008


This 100 calorie yogurt tastes exactly like that, and this why fast food and I have become so familiar.

I've been beating myself up lately, thinking, should've gone to nursing school. I'd have a job. Or, should've been an accounting major. I'd have a job. I hit a wall with this yesterday, when I caught myself thinking as I watched a contractor leave our office, I should've been a roofer. I'd have a job.
Pause. Then,
A roofer? Too far. Too far.

Monday, July 7, 2008

Still no job

That's the short of it, in case you'd rather save yourself some time in reading. I have the same job I had, which is entirely serviceable for now and pretty much not what I'm looking for in the future, plus not really able to sustain my future, so we're even.

I do have a house, which is great news. Now I spend all my time thinking about what color walls I should have, what kind of sheets, or whether I will ever wake up by myself in a room by myself. These are fun distractions, but if I don't take care of the colossal distraction hovering above this paragraph, I will 1) constantly owe my sister money and 2) be health insurance-less and 3) never get new sheets.

If I had been a nurse someone would just tell me what to do. I saw an ad for a copywriter in Careerbuilder, and I think I might love to be a copywriter. Maybe. I might not love it, too.
Aren't you supposed to figure out what things you want to do in college? Missed that class.

Jobs blah blah blah jobs. This is all I talk about in real life, too, so you're not missing much if you haven't seen me.

Sidenote/Closer--Summer of Love is going great. I need to take Brian's camera and download all the pictures he didn't put on facebook to reinforce that in my brain. (Note I spelled Brian and brain right on the first try).