Wednesday, July 23, 2008


This 100 calorie yogurt tastes exactly like that, and this why fast food and I have become so familiar.

I've been beating myself up lately, thinking, should've gone to nursing school. I'd have a job. Or, should've been an accounting major. I'd have a job. I hit a wall with this yesterday, when I caught myself thinking as I watched a contractor leave our office, I should've been a roofer. I'd have a job.
Pause. Then,
A roofer? Too far. Too far.

1 comment:

Jenn said...

Sara Jayne. . . I just stumbled across your blog via facebook (yes, OK, I'm wasting time waiting for my life to drastically change overnight) and just want to say that I love it. I can hear you talking as I read and it makes me sigh and wish for good ol' days. Good luck in your search for a non-roofing job. You can borrow Kurt and my current mantra: "everything will work out. . . everything will work out. . . everything will work out. . . "