Friday, September 17, 2010

Downtown smells like brownies this morning. It's DElicious. It's not that uncommon, but I've never figured out where it comes from. I've experienced this most times of all the days of the week at some point. I wish I worked wherever that is. I mean really, it's strong enough that I picture two culinary geniuses working in the dark recesses of the empty old postal building under one lightbulb mixing giant vats of batter with a six-foot wooden spoon and baking in huge, technologically-advanced kilns every time I smell it. GIANT vats.

Speaking of brownies, made brownies last night. I pulled out my family's well-worn tradition of frenzied baking at 11 pm when you said you'd bring snacks to an event and made cream cheese brownies. Then I made oatmeal chocolate chip cookies. I'm sleepy now and the hoodie I brought for our weekend trip is covered in butter and cocoa powder, but it's worth it to know my crazy mom would have done the same thing.

Quiet day at the office. I'm pretty sure I'm going to be the only one in my corner, which is fabulous. I managed to get over my feeling that since it's Friday and I came into work today, someone owes me donuts (a common sentiment of mine recently. Also applies to Mondays and Wednesdays). I am, however, still hoping that the firm's monthly birthday celebration is the third Friday of the month in order to swoop in moments after the last staffer leaves the breakroom and devour the leftovers [leftovers in the past have included cake, cupcakes, cookies, cookie ice cream sandwiches (seriously), etc]. I think they're on to me though, and I've somehow missed the last few months despite being very observant around 3 pm. I really miss Alli for millions of reasons, but the one pertaining to this scenario is the ease of a work email simply titled "CAKE IN KITCHEN RUN." to tip me off.

Here's to the weekend, the possibility of free cake this afternoon, and the fact that not even my entire small group will be able to consume all of my recently-prepared baked goods in one weekend. Cheers!