Friday, October 8, 2010

It's the Hap-Happiest Seeeeeason of All

Happy Fall! It would have felt more appropriate if I didn't know it's going to be 78 degrees today. Not complaining, just saying. It still counts as fall because it feels inappropriate to wear shorts and mix margaritas. Our apartment's steam heat came on this week on one of the actually cold days, each register hissing, bubbling, and screech-singing inharmoniously with the rest and reminding me of the reason people can't sleep when they stay over at our place in the winter. I like it because it's like having little friends in each room.

My seasonal baking urges are setting in. This is bad news, as I've stopped running and tend to bake with half the bag of chocolate chips, eat the other half, bake with half, eat the other half... I also have no holiday parties on the horizon where it would be appropriate to roll out six to seven different confections at a time. Even one goodie a week is just a poor idea, considering there are two mouths to eat them and I never halve recipes.
And yes, I said holiday parties. HOLIDAY PARTIES! An Arizona girl needs a reason to love the fall like everyone else around here does. I've fast-forwarded to dreaming of the Saturday when Brian lets me put up the Christmas tree in our lonely living room corner (week of Thanksgiving...week of Thanksgiving). He may have caught me listening to Christmas music in the shower last week. I currently have "It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year" by Amy Grant stuck in my head, and it's fantastic.

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