Friday, April 16, 2010

Starting the day with some JT

(That's Justin Timberlake, G-ma :). See that combo smiley face/parenthesis? Efficiency.

Just a quick review of all the living things under my care:

-Brian is doing fine. Well-fed and healthy.

-Bowser is so thirsty right now I think I heard him rasping "...water...water" this morning as soon as my alarm woke both of us up. No time. I'll getcha tonight, buddy. You always survive somehow.

-Birthday Cactus is thriving. I've temporarily named him Manolito, but I'm on the lookout for an even better name to upgrade. I don't want to waste this one, as I'll not get a chance to name one of my own children anything with Hispanic origins.

-Boss' Office Plant is dying a slow, brown and yellow death. His predecessor perished similarly. I blame the fluorescent lighting and this stale, recycled air for the majority of his suffering. I'm certain it has nothing to do with my black thumb--if my turtle can handle it, so you can you, dude.

Glad we got that out of the way.

I just listened to a Radiolab podcast about the incredible (non-) limits of the human body and mind. I've been thinking about this recently anyway, admiring all the runners in our park and being shamed by their stamina even though some of them have to weigh twice as much as me. It's time to start pushing my limits. By running? Mmm...let's not get carried away. But the whole concept fits into my 2010 resolutions so well that I'm determined to find some limits to push. My tiny world-in-a-box is getting a little ridiculous (seriously, you're "tired" again?). Expanded horizons, here I come. One energized, productive workday, one new cookie recipe, one brisk walk to a new destination at a time.

1 comment:

honeyhair said...

Hoo-ray for Birthday Cactus! I like Manolito, nothing terribly clever comes to mind otherwise. I feel I can weigh in because I gave him to you.

And I hope you gave Bows a drink.