Wednesday, May 14, 2008

I did not spill coffee AT ALL today

That is big news.

I hate signing into things on the interweb, like the bank and Careerbuilder, but I really don't mind signing into this blog, and that's nice. If I did, I'd never be on here and I'd say it all to Brian and randoms that are on Verizon because it's free, and I'd probably lose friends. I love that my blog can't ignore my calls.

Today in my life:
--turned down a beautiful job offer, generous and stable, for gut-instinct and high-hopes reasoning. I feel better. I hope I continue to feel better.
--applied to a branch of Harley-Davidson (awesome).

(Boring for all people to read, don't bother. Unless I require you to read my blog for my own self-esteem [you know who you are]):

I feel for all the peeps looking for jobs. I just have this feeling of constant tension. This buzzy worry feeling? Yes? Like I can't look people in the eye or listen to what they're saying because I can't give them time, I need to go get a job right now. It's horrible. And, I only talk about myself now. That is also horrible. I need to find a balance where I work really hard by myself, but then put it in God's hands so I can give others the time of day and actually think about other things sometimes.
I think I like the visual that I'd be taking it from God's hands, instead of putting it there, but I don't know which metaphor is more appropriate. I still need to haul bootay on this.

Craigslist check of the day. No signing in. Whee! The freedom.

Tonight was the season finale of Top Model, and I'm PUMPED. I SO HOPE it's Anya. And I'm so glad Dominique is gone. Whitney is whatever. ANYA, forever. Oh gosh I hope no one spoils it for me.

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