Sunday, October 5, 2008

Season settling

Fall started a few weeks ago, I know, I was there. There were a couple of days, though, that were confusing; slightly, slightly breathing these (empty) promises of more sun, more warmish afternoons to wrap up the spent summer. It is officially over now, and it's certain the chilly breezes are staying.

Most of the time, fall just feels like I'm bracing myself for the forever that is winter. This year, I've really started to appreciate it, seeing more positives where I didn't think to look for them before.

Positive instead!
Cold wind; Crisp air
Wearing sleeves; Cute Coats
Football; Football naps and snacks
Walking in the freezing; Being serious about Chicago
End of beach weather; Varying my activities
Music seems more depressing; Books become more intriguing
End of fruit seasons; Cooking feels like a good idea ( as does tea, coffee, hot
chocolate, oatmeal, soup)

I think much of this change in perspective (which is truly significant for me) comes from dating a Michigan man. Not sure how, or why--some mix of good memories and happy horizons, old times and new experiences. This may be one of the first years I've realized that settling in (for the winter) will be good and not intolerable.

Self discovery hour has been very fulfilling! Time for a football nap.

1 comment:

Jenn said...

We are seeing fall for the first time in years and Kurt thinks he's died and gone to heaven. I'm starting to see his point, but would like a little more sunshine all the same. It was lovely to read your description of seasons settling in Chicago -- brought back good memories!